What is the JobKeeper Payment
Eligible employers will be entitled to receive $1,500 per fortnight for eligible employees from 30 March 2020 for a maximum period of 6 months.
Employers must pass those payments directly onto eligible employees as wages or as a subsidy to their wage. For example, if an employee was earning $2,000 per fortnight as their usual wage, then the employer should, if they are able, pay $500 per fortnight and the $1,500 JobKeeper payment will make up the difference.
Eligibility for businesses is determined based on the following:
- Your business turnover is less than $1 Billion; and
- Your turnover will be reduced by more than 30% relative to a comparable period a year ago of least 1 month e.g. your business collected revenue of $100,000 in March 2019 but only collected $50,000 in revenue in March 2020.
Eligibility for employees, including company directors, is based on the following:
- The employee is currently employed (including those who may have been stood down);
- Were employed at 1st March 2020;
- Are full-time, part-time, or long-term casuals (regular casual worker over a 12-month basis as at 1st March 2020; and
- Are at least 16 years of age
- Are an Australian citizen, have a permanent visa, a Protected Special Category Visa Holder, a non-protected Special Category Visa Holder who has been residing continually in Australia for 10 years or more, or a Special Category (Subclass 444) Visa Holder
Those who are self-employed including sole traders, in a partnership, or beneficiaries of a trust who take their income as drawings (not wages) are also eligible if they meet the above criteria.
How do I apply?
Employers can register their interest here. There will be an online application form available soon.
Employers will need to identify eligible employees including:
- The number of eligible employees as at 1st March 2020; and
- Those currently employed by the business, including those who may have been stood down.
Businesses who are already providing Single Touch Payroll data to the ATO, employee details will be pre-populated.
Businesses without employees, such as the self-employed, can register their interest here.
Businesses without employees will need to provide an ABN for their business, nominate an individual to receive the payment and provide that individual’s Tax File Number and provide a declaration as to recent business activity.
People who are self-employed will need to provide a monthly update to the ATO to declare their continued eligibility for the payments. Payment will be made monthly to the individual’s bank account.
If you’d like to look further into the JobKeeper Payment, please ensure you utilise reliable sources, namely: